Who are we? The St. James Pastoral Care Team brings Holy Communion to shut-ins, those who are ill, and those unable to attend Mass.
Communion to the sick is a ministry of spiritual formation as well as one of healing and nurture.
What we do The length of each visit is conducive to the state of health and well-being of the person being visited.
Communion Services are conducted in the parishioners’ homes as requested, at the local Seniors’ Residences weekly or bi-monthly, and at the Hospice as requested. Each service follows the format mandated by the bishop’s office.
Meetings: Meetings are held as needed; this is mainly due to COVID restrictions which will hopefully be quarterly going forward. Pastoral Care Ministry Team members must be commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and have completed the Diocesan Pastoral Care Training Program.
St. Michael's, Diamond Valley
Who are we? The Pastoral Care Ministry at St. Michael’s parish in Black Diamond visits patients at the Oilfields Hospital, residents of the Long Term Care ‘The Rising Sun’, and those who are housebound for a short or prolonged period.
What we do Members bring them Holy Communion to those unable to get to church if they so desire, and extend this to those who are uncomfortable attending Mass in person.
Members make regular phone visits to parishioners unable to entertain visitors under the current pandemic circumstances.
Meetings The group meets every three months to renew their spirituality and dedication through prayer and to keep members up to date on any changes or developments within the ministry.