Adoration Ministry
What is Adoration Ministry? Many Catholics have not experienced the intimacy of a very real relationship with Jesus and the deep joy and great peace He grants to those who set out to “Seek His Face” and know Him as a living person in their lives.
This is the opportunity offered by the Lord Himself in Adoration at St. James Church from Monday to Saturday every week.
Adoration is simply spending time in the Presence of the One we know loves us. Being REAL with Him … in words or silence… He never fails to reward those who seek Him.
All are invited, and most find that signing up for a particular time helps to keep us faithful to our commitment.
What more wonderful way to witness to our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament than by faithful attendance at a weekly hour of Adoration? A prayerful, silent, yet quite a clear profession of faith.
Never forget the words of Our Lord when He gave His Eucharistic discourse. “Indeed, this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in Him, shall have eternal life. Him will I raise up on the last day” (John 6:40).
Altar Server Ministry
Who are we? The altar serving ministry at St. James is a special ministry in which a young person assists the priest and/or deacon at Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
What we do Altar servers perform a few tasks throughout Mass or at other liturgical services, such as carrying the processional cross and candles. They also carry incense and the thurible when needed. They receive gifts during the offertory procession and assist the celebrant on the altar. A server rings the bells during the consecration, they also assist the celebrant in clearing the altar after communion.
Mostly, it is not the things they do but the example they set. Through their behaviour, reverence, attitude, and mannerisms, they show a greater love for God as a model for the congregation to follow.
Meetings and Attendance New servers will be invited to attend training sessions at which attendance is mandatory. Apart from the initial training, all servers will be called for quarterly meetings and other events organized for them by the parish. Altar servers are expected to meet in the church vestry at least 15 minutes before the Mass to which they are assigned. If a server is unable to attend a scheduled Mass, it is their duty to keep the parish informed.
Membership All children who have received their First Holy Communion are welcome to join the altar server’s ministry.
To be an altar server is a commitment to God and your church. All servers must show the utmost dedication to this ministry.
Arts and Environment Committee
Who are we? The Arts and Environment Committee is responsible for the church's liturgical environment (décor). In their creativity, they collaborate with the pastor to enhance the worship space throughout the liturgical year.
What we do The committee creates displays in the sanctuary and around the church to mark special feasts and liturgical seasons. The team hangs draperies in the appropriate colour for each liturgical season behind the altar. They create and display banners to mark Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time. They look after the church's plants and beautiful flower arrangements and purchase these for Christmas, Easter, and as needed.
Meetings and membership Meetings are mostly informal to discuss tasks and organize work sessions for the main liturgical celebrations. Formal meetings are called when needed. Anyone interested in joining the committee or helping with the Christmas and/or Easter setup is welcome.
Bereavement Ministry
Who are we? The bereavement ministry at St. James Parish acknowledges the death of a parishioner on behalf of the parish.
What we do Members in this ministry follow up with written information about the support offered and solace grief support to the bereaved.
They send a card to the surviving family member, acknowledging the first anniversary.
They host and invite families to an annual memorial mass remembering their loved ones, usually in November.
Meetings They meet as required. Meetings are generally organized to plan the Memorial Mass.
Membership All interested in joining this ministry must take the bereavement training offered by the diocese pastoral care center.
St. James Boutique
Who are we? The St. James Boutique is located at the church's main entrance in the Narthex.
There are a variety of religious sacramental articles on display, i.e., rosaries, beautiful statues, wall decor, and other religious keepsakes.
What we do These items at the boutique are hand-picked gifts donated to the booth. The upkeep is done with care and attention to the quality and quantity of stock and its display.
Parishioners are welcome to choose items from the display shelves. All offerings can be placed in the wooden, white box near the display stands. During weekend Masses, the hospitality desk coordinators can assist with any monetary offerings that require their assistance.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Who are we? The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a ministry for children starting at age 3. Inspired by the principles of Montessori education, it is based on the Bible and liturgy of the church. This is an opportunity for children to fall in love with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, in a child-friendly space called an atrium.
What we do In small groups facilitated by trained adult catechists, once a week, children experience guided activity to aid meditation on Scripture and the mysteries of the Christian faith. The St. James atrium is situated in the St. Kateri room right next to the parish hall.
Membership and levels offered All children wishing to participate must be registered in advance.
We are currently offering Level 1 (3 – 6 years old) and Level 2 (6 – 9) years old from September to June.
Catholic Women’s League
Who we are Our Mission statement: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service.
It is our spirituality that sets us apart from any other women’s organization. We pray daily for each other, for our church, for peace and for an end to poverty, violence, abortion and euthanasia. Each year we bring resolutions to the National CWL convention which expresses our concerns and goals for a better world. Members of our national executive meet with the respective ministers of the Federal Government and present these resolutions.
Want to know more about the League? Go to the National’s website at and check the information available.
We support Catholic education with an annual scholarship to a graduate female student from Holy Trinity Academy.
Many of our members are involved in various areas of the church and community organizations, such as, Pastoral Care, St. Vincent de Paul, food bank, funeral lunches, and various liturgy ministries.
Meetings Our meetings are held at St. James Church on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the St. Rafael Room. We do not meet during the months of June, July, August and December.
Children’s Choir
Who are we? The St. James Children’s choir is open to all children from the parish. The Children’s choir sings at the Children’s Masses on the second Sunday of every month (except in the summer).
What we do “The one who sings prays twice,” this beautiful quote attributed to St. Augustine, encourages children to pray in song, creating a lasting impression on their beautiful souls. It gives them the opportunity to serve their church and minister to others through music. They build an identity in Christ as they also develop their musical skills. Being part of the children’s choir allows children to foster and deepen friendships with other children and the community in a safe and fun environment and share their gifts and talents with others.
Children’s Liturgy
What is Children’s Liturgy? Children’s Liturgy is the ‘Liturgy of the Word for Children.’ Here Children participate in the Sunday readings and the Gospel at a level they can understand and enjoy. This is enriched with interactive discussion, prayers, and songs. Our parish aims to make the children’s experience of church meaningful while helping them grow in faith and develop as full and active members of the parish community.
Spiritual Committee
Who are we? The Spiritual committee at St. Michael’s church provides events/services that enhance the growth of parishioners’ spiritual life.
What we do? Yearly Activities:
February/March Lent: Stations of the Cross followed by Lenten soup and a bun
Assisting Father with Palm Sunday services
Easter Sunday and Christmas - the ringing of the bells
Divine Mercy Sunday - special service following Mass
May - Crowning of Our Blessed Mother service following Mass
October - Month of the Rosary - circulating the portable ‘Mary Altar’ from household to household for families to pray the Rosary together
November - Visit the cemetery to pray for the Holy Souls
November/December - Advent - light up the Creche, with the Knights of Columbus
Praying for and recognizing students who are receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation
Movie Night - showing of a Christian movie once a month.
Meetings The committee meets each month from September to June.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Who are we? St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide, not-for-profit Catholic organization dedicated to helping those in need. Our chapter assists individuals and families in our area who need a hand when overwhelmed.
We welcome anyone who would like to join this very worthwhile service ministry. Volunteers are always needed. Training and support are provided.
What we do There are two volunteer opportunities: telephone or call out volunteers. SVDP also thanks everyone who financially contributes to our ministry of serving the poor in our community. Donations can be made through your monthly envelopes or at the church office.
St. James Parish: We meet in church on the third Monday of the month at 7:30 pm from Sept to June.
St. Michael’s Church: We meet on the third Thursday of the month.
Usher Ministry
Who are we? The Usher ministry at St. James parish aims to make parishioners feel welcome and enable a smooth flow of events during Mass.
What we do Ushers greet parishioners as they enter the church, help with directions and wherever they find a need. They regularly perform a head count for diocesan records, collect weekly donations during Mass, and direct parishioners for Communion distribution. They wear an “Usher” name tag from which you will recognize them.
Membership and Training New members will receive an introductory training session.
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Rites of Christian Initiation
Who are we? The Parish Community is responsible for preparing and initiating new members into the Catholic Church. This is primarily accomplished by our prayer and authentic living of the Gospel: by loving God with all our hearts, minds, souls, and our neighbour as ourselves. By the example in word and deed of each parishioner, a new member learns what it means to live as a Catholic Christian.
What we do Parishioners take on various roles to directly assist those who wish to receive sacraments. These include:
Baptism for children under the age of 7 through our Baptism Preparation sessions and assisting on the day of the baptism. These sessions prepare parents for the commitment they are making in having their child baptized. On the day of the baptism, we set up for the baptism, welcome the family to mass, and assist the priest after mass.
First Reconciliation and First Communion for children in grade 2 and up. The group sessions prepare the children to receive these sacraments for the first time. Assistance is required to lead the sessions, set up the space, and welcome families when they arrive.
Confirmation for students in grade 6 and up. The group sessions prepare the students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Assistance is required to lead the sessions, set up the space, and welcome families as they arrive.
Rites of Christian Initiation. These sessions prepare adults (RCIA), teenagers (RCIT), and children (RCIC) to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Reconciliation, Communion, Confirmation) during the Easter Vigil. Assistance is required to lead the sessions and journey with our candidates and catechumens – sometimes as sponsors.
Marriage Preparation for couples preparing for marriage in the Church. Assistance is required to lead the weekend sessions. Sponsor couples are also needed as we pair each engaged couple with a married couple to complete the preparation and expand on their learnings from the weekend session.
Meetings Meeting days and times vary for the different Sacramental Preparation groups throughout the year. Please consult the parish website for the latest schedule.
Weekday Lector Ministry
Who are we? A lector makes God present in the community by His Word and welcomes the congregation into God’s presence. They lead the community to pray and inform them about important information in the parish.
What we do The Weekday lector normally goes up to the ambo to proclaim the reading of the day, and the Psalm. On special liturgical celebrations there may be two readings and the prayers of the faithful, the weekday lector also reads the communion antiphon from their pew. After the priest has cleaned the Sacramental vessels, the lector goes up to the lectern reading the prayer for vocations and any announcements.
Membership Any confirmed Catholic adult of good moral standing (this includes a valid sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church) wishing to serve as a lector is welcome to sign up for this ministry. For any clarification, please speak with the Pastor.
Who are we and what we do: We are the sacristans, and we look after the preparation of the altar and all the supplies needed for celebrating Mass.
Meetings: We meet about 3 times a year to prepare for the year, Christmas and Easter.
Prayer Ministry
Who are we? The prayer ministry at St. James allows parishioners to request intercessory prayers.
What we do Prayer requests are received from parishioners and others by email, phone, or in written format. These prayer intentions are treated in a highly confidential manner; they are securely passed on through a prayer chain list via email.
Youth Ministry
Who are we? Challenge Girls and Conquest Boys are youth programs that form adolescents as Christian leaders to transform culture.
What we do
These programs are held at St. James each week. This is done through a unique method: virtue-based curriculum, teen led, gender specific, team based, service driven, and through responding to the needs of the adolescent.
Programs are for grades 3 to 8, with leadership opportunities for grades 9-12. We meet Wednesday nights starting late September/early October.
Coffee Sunday
Who are we? Coffee Sunday is a weekly gathering of parishioners and guests following the 9:00 am, and 11:00 am Masses in the parish hall for coffee, tea, juice, and baked goodies. Come, join us for food, fun and fellowship!
What we do The team meets most Sundays, (depending on availability/holidays) to set up, serve and clean up after.
Membership We are currently looking to form various groups to be put on rotation.
Chauffeur Ministry
Who are we? The chauffeur ministry strives to facilitate ease of transport for those unable to drive to and from St. Michael’s Church in Black Diamond.
What we do Members pick up seniors at the High Country Lodge, or those located in the immediate area of Turner Valley and Black Diamond who require transportation to bring them to Mass and drive them back home.
Who is the Custodian? The custodian at St. James parish regularly locks and unlocks the main doors of the parish, especially during Masses and other special events.
The custodian additionally provides assistance around the parish as needed.