What is the Ministry Coordinators Committee (MCC)? The Ministry Coordinators Committee or MCC is responsible for coordinating and supporting the activities of the parish ministries that operate in or for the benefit of the parish. It comprises all the parish ministries in its membership. The MCC acts as an advisory body to the Pastor to assist him with specific tasks in establishing goals for the parish and supports him in his role as shepherd. The pastor, as the representative of the bishop, has ultimate decision-making powers in all parish matters.
What we do The MCC's purpose is to enhance the coordination of activities, projects, and operations of all parish ministries. This includes avoiding scheduling conflicts, enhancing the results and impact of each parish ministry's activities, projects, or operations, and sharing information among all parish ministries.
Members volunteer support and resources from existing ministries for other parish activities, projects, and operations. They work for a spiritual renewal of all parish community members by a concern for and attention to the quality of the liturgical services and education programs offered. They discern the spiritual and temporal needs of the parish community and organize and plan the structures required to fulfill these needs.
Who are the members? The MCC consists of the following members:
The pastor, the chairperson of the liturgy committee, a member of the finance council, a member of the parish pastoral council and leaders of other ministries and organizations.
The pastor is the president of the MCC and the senior executive officer of the parish. The existing MCC members elect the chairperson and vice-chairperson at each September meeting.