Who are we? The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) assists the priest in distributing Holy Communion to the faithful.
What we do Extraordinary Ministers should demonstrate by their reverence for the Holy Eucharist that they truly believe that the consecrated Host is the Body and Blood of Jesus. One should not accept this ministry out of obligation unless they are willing to carry it out with deep faith and a sense of God’s presence.
The ministry entails reverential silence, grace-filled movement, and care for the Sacred Species.
EMHCs bless non-communicants wishing to receive a blessing when approaching the consecrated Host.
Membership Any confirmed Catholic adult of good moral standing (this includes a valid sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church) wishing to serve as an EMHC is welcome to sign up for this ministry. If you are unsure if you qualify or have further questions, kindly consult the Pastor. All Extraordinary Ministers should not be conscious of any grave sin and should have fasted for one hour before Mass. All are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly.
Training Training will be provided, and attendance at this is mandatory to serve as an EMCC.