Who are we: The Christian Meditation Ministry follows the Meditation tradition founded upon by Benedictine Monk Fr. John Main ( OSB) 1926-1982, which since 1991 has been named The World Community of Christian Meditation ( WCCM) www.wccm.org
The practice is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition. It shares the fruits of this practice widely and inclusively, serving the unity of all and building understanding between faiths and cultures. This daily personal discipline, a practice of silence, stillness, and simplicity available to each of us, is not a substitute for all the other forms of prayer but is the center FOR them. Like the hub of a wheel centers the spokes and makes possible the wheel’s motion and stability, such is the practice of meditation.
We also call this practice « the prayer of the Heart,» where we create SPACE in our day to LISTEN to what Jesus wants of us.
“SPEAK LORD; your servant is LISTENING” 1 Samuel 3: 7-11
What we do: Our sessions are 60 mins each week. We start with an opening prayer, followed by a 5-10 min talk on the practice and other valuable fruits of the practice by our contemplative leaders such as Fr. John Main or the current Director of WCCM, Fr. Laurence Freeman, etc., after which, the group leader will walk you through the steps of how to get our body, mind, and spirit to enter into 20 minutes of complete silence, after which we end with a closing prayer and have the next 20 mins to discuss/ dialogue with each other about the topic chosen for the session, and then we close with fellowship with each other.
Membership and meetings These sessions are FREE, but donations/ free-will offerings towards WCCM are most welcome. Membership is open to all ages for the in-person, which are on Thursday mornings at 7:45 am and Thursday evenings at 7:45 pm at St. James Church in the St. André Bessette room.
NEW THIS FALL We have a special 7-week Young Adult ( 18- 35yrs) online session called “Coffee Hours” starting September 13th to October 25th at 6:30 pm. See our church bulletin for details.
Registration is required for both in-person as well as the Young Adult session.