Who are we? The altar serving ministry at St. James is a special ministry in which a young person assists the priest and/or deacon at Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
What we do Altar servers perform a few tasks throughout Mass or at other liturgical services, such as carrying the processional cross and candles. They also carry incense and the thurible when needed. They receive gifts during the offertory procession and assist the celebrant on the altar. A server rings the bells during the consecration, they also assist the celebrant in clearing the altar after communion.
Mostly, it is not the things they do but the example they set. Through their behaviour, reverence, attitude, and mannerisms, they show a greater love for God as a model for the congregation to follow.
Meetings and Attendance New servers will be invited to attend training sessions at which attendance is mandatory. Apart from the initial training, all servers will be called for quarterly meetings and other events organized for them by the parish. Altar servers are expected to meet in the church vestry at least 15 minutes before the Mass to which they are assigned. If a server is unable to attend a scheduled Mass, it is their duty to keep the parish informed.
Membership All children who have received their First Holy Communion are welcome to join the altar server’s ministry.
To be an altar server is a commitment to God and your church. All servers must show the utmost dedication to this ministry.